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Panorama of the Salzburg Festival ©Tourismus Salzburg

The Salzburg Festival

The world’s biggest
classical music festival

The Salzburg Festival has been held every summer in July and August since 1920. The Festival’s most iconic feature has to be the performance of Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s play “Jedermann” (Everyman) at Domplatz in front of the cathedral. More than 200 events take place as part of the Festival every year, attracting over 250,000 visitors. From the Hôtel Bristol, all the Festival’s events are easily accessible on foot.

Fun facts

Did you know that...

  • there were 3 founding fathers of the Salzburg Festival?
    It all started with the purchase of Schloss Leopoldskron by director and actor Max Reinhardt. The other founding fathers were lyricist Hugo von Hofmannsthal and composer Richard Strauss.

  • 2020 marked the Festival’s 100th anniversary?

  • In 2002, “Jedermann” was restaged and rewritten?
    In 2002, Christian Stückl was brought to Salzburg from Bavaria to restage the play, which had remained unchanged since 1920. In 2010, he revised it again.


Don’t hang about!

Tickets for the Salzburg Festival are in great demand and sell out quickly. You should order your tickets by the end of February. By mid-May at the latest, you will receive notification of the extent to which the order could be processed as requested. Tickets go on sale directly in mid-May and can be purchased in the shop and online. Our Concierge can always assist you with your ticket order. He usually has also access to last minute tickets for sold out performances.


The performances and concerts are not the only highlight - the different venues are also a sight worth seeing. The Salzburg Festival Theatre (Großes Festspielhaus), the Haus für Mozart and Felsenreitschule theatres together with Domplatz in front of the cathedral, the University Auditorium and the University Church form the Festival District in the heart of the city of Salzburg. Events are also held at DAS KINO, the Salzburg Mozarteum Foundation, St. Peter's Abbey and the Salzburg Museum.

Are you still looking for accommodation?

... then you've come to the right place at the Hôtel Bristol, right in the heart of the city. We are happy to assist you in making any arrangements for the Salzburg Festival.

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